Preparing an own ASIC requires a prototype circuit described in one of the Hardware Description Language(HDL). In this chapter you will prepare a design of 4-bit counter and a testbench for simulations. Before starting simulations install Verilator.
sudo apt install verilator -y
Describe a counter presented below using submodules in a RTL architecture. Use a below template in Verilog language, it will make simulations easier. Create a file named counter.v, copy a below text and write a code for all modules.
module jk_ff ( input j,
input k,
input clk,
output reg q);
module and_2( input a,
input b,
output y);
module counter( input clk,
output [3:0] q,
output p);
Create file named tb.v and copy below text.
module tb_counter;
reg clk;
wire [3:0]q;
wire p;
counter u0 ( .clk(clk),
initial begin
clk = 1;
#320 $finish;
always #10 clk=~clk;
always #20 $display("%d %d",p,q);
To run a simulation use Verilator. The line below will compile testbench to binary version.
verilator --trace --binary -j 0 tb.v
You can run simulation typing ./obj_dir/Vtb
in a terminal.
Type gtkwave test.vcd
in the terminal to see the results in the time domain.